Outlawed Round Up PLUS 3.2.25, Covid 2.0, the Breadth of the NGO Consultancy Problem
We chat about some things that are not really getting coverage for our supporters.
Covid 2.0. Chinese Hospitals and Crematoriums are full? WTF? HKU5-CoV-2
What if a real thing happened now? What would we do?
Canada check up on public working from home...
Canada is a disaster in uncertainty index. What is going on?
The NGO problem in Climate Change, Anti-Right Germany protests, and the Consultancy problem in Quebec during Covid lockdowns.
Tom Cruise railing against meds and kids way back when?
A great example of the problem with USA healthcare insurance providers.
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ART - Napolean Duheme's site
Tru Northperception,
Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com
Links to the stuff we chatted about:
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